Nuclear Notes: Environmental Benefits
We can all breathe easier thanks to nuclear energy. With zero carbon or methane emissions and millions of watts produced, nuclear energy is the cleanest source to generate an enormous amount of electricity.
To put it into perspective, over the...

Seven climate definitions that will impress your friends
Clean, green, carbon-free, renewable … there are many terms being used in discussions about climate change today and when it comes to producing electricity, it’s important to understand the differences because these terms aren’t always...

Advanced nuclear energy will help achieve climate goals
Duke Energy’s six nuclear plants run so efficiently that they’re often unnoticed as they supply a steady flow of electricity to the grid. In 2019, these plants generated more than 50 percent of the electricity delivered to Duke Energy customers in the Carolinas – and as the company moves toward its goal of achieving net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, nuclear will be an even more important energy source.