Three reasons to love nuclear energy

Why our nation’s largest source of carbon-free electricity should be on your Valentine’s list this year

Family. A favorite hobby. Your pet. When you think of the things you love, a power source is likely not at the top of your list – if it’s on your list at all. But, maybe our nation’s largest source of carbon-free electricity – nuclear energy – should be on your Valentine’s list this year.

Here are three reasons to love nuclear energy.

Nuclear energy is always available to help you do the things you love.  

Solar Eclipse at Oconee Nuclear Station
In 2017, Oconee Nuclear Station was in the path of a total solar eclipse, highlighting the value of energy diversity.

Life doesn’t stop when a storm hits or night falls. Nuclear power plants provide electricity independent of the time of day or the weather, making it an important part of our diverse energy mix in the Carolinas.

While there are many factors that contribute to the reliability of the electrical grid, having multiple options to meet customer demand at any given time plays a critical role. Nuclear plants’ unique refueling outage schedules allow them to produce electricity continuously for months and even years at a time, contributing to their efficiency and value to Duke Energy customers.

If you love clean air, nuclear energy must be a part of the energy mix.

Duke Energy is committed to a lower carbon future. But, we can’t achieve our goal of reducing emissions without nuclear energy. Other fuel sources, like coal and natural gas, can provide large amounts of energy around-the-clock, and many sources, like solar and wind, generate carbon-free electricity. Only nuclear energy does both.

During power generation, nuclear plants create no greenhouse gas emissions nor do they emit other gases that contribute to the formation of acid rain. Plus, they’re great places for plants and animals to thrive.

Nuclear workers love the communities where they live.  

We love nuclear energy

Duke Energy’s nuclear plants continue to be economic drivers for their communities, paying significant taxes and providing partnership opportunities. Our nuclear fleet also employs more than 5,000 Duke Energy workers full-time. Additional contract workers are needed to support major project work and planned refueling and maintenance outages, which can give communities an extra economic boost.

For the small communities around each of our six nuclear stations, nuclear workers make a big impact, too. Not only do they live, shop and recreate in the communities around our nuclear plants, they also donate their time to support local causes.

It may not the most glamorous energy source, nor the most talked-about, but nuclear is an energy source to love.

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