If you live within 10 miles of our nuclear power plants, you may have heard outdoor sirens mentioned once or twice. But, do you know what hearing a siren means?
Plant neighbors have most likely heard the quarterly outdoor warning siren testing along with an occasional maintenance test. Some may have heard sirens for the first time while working from home this year as they are tested during normal business hours.
Soundings of the outdoor warning sirens are meant to alert the public of an emergency so community members can tune into local radio or television stations for additional information. Hearing a siren does not mean you should evacuate.
We always expect our nuclear stations to operate safely. Our operators are highly skilled, very experienced and continuously trained to keep our plants – and our communities – safe. However, it’s smart to be prepared.
Watch this video to learn more:
We keep neighbors informed by sharing emergency preparedness information in mailed booklets, on our Duke Energy website and on our Duke Energy Nuclear Education Facebook and Twitter pages.
Need to know if you live within 10 miles of our nuclear power plants (also known as the emergency planning zones or EPZs)? View the interactive map for the plant closest to you.
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