What do sheep eyeballs, robots, tornadoes, and balloon cars all have in common?
Nearly 100 campers recently visited the EnergyExplorium at McGuire Nuclear Station, to take part in “Exploring Science,” a program designed to boost student’s interest in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM). The one day camp immersed students ages 8-12 in hands-on, team-based learning activities focusing on robotics, energy, chemistry, physics, biology and more.
While the science day camp was the first of its kind held at the EnergyExplorium, STEM has been a critical focus for Duke Energy. By fostering a growing interest in the STEM fields for students, programs like “Exploring Science,” engage students in core fundamentals and helps build a strong foundation for future leaders.
While the demand for energy is increasing, the amount of students entering the STEM fields is declining. And with 60 percent of Duke Energy employees eligible to retire during the next decade, the company is partnering with communities and organizations to help peak interest in and transition younger generations into the workforce.
Just over half of Duke Energy’s current workforce is made up of “baby boomers” and “traditionalists,” who are nearing retirement in the next decade or so – down from more than 60 percent in 2011. In 2013, “Generation X” exceeded one-third and “millennials” exceeded 10 percent of the workforce for the first time.
The company’s workforce planning efforts are paying off, as they recruit new hires and work to ensure a full pipeline of employees with the right qualifications and skills.
Duke Energy partnered with the STEM Career Path Project, to bring “Exploring Science” day camp to the EnergyExplorium at McGuire Nuclear Station. The STEM Career Path Project is a non-profit organization that promotes science, technology, engineering and math education by inspiring young minds through hands-on, interactive activities and workshops.