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Tag: Nuclear science

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Can we hear it from a professional?

To celebrate Nuclear Science Week, Duke Energy nuclear employees will host virtual career panels for high school students that focus on a different nuclear power career profile each day throughout the week. 
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Solving the wonderful mystery of a nuclear startup

One of the many questions we receive from community members is about the startup process of a nuclear reaction in our plants. For those of us who aren’t nuclear operators or engineers, it can seem like a mysterious process. To help shed some light on this mystery, here’s a highly simplified explanation for how it works.
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Virtual STEM Summer Camp - a Recap

Throughout the year, our energy education centers host events to provide students with opportunities to learn about science. Due to social distancing measures in play due to COVID-19 (coronavirus), these activities cannot take place as they normally would in person. But the learning and experimenting doesn't have to stop! Now, students can participate in a week's worth of experiments from home.
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Virtual STEM Summer Camp

Throughout the year, our energy education centers host events to provide students with opportunities to learn about science. Due to social distancing measures in play due to COVID-19 (coronavirus), these activities cannot take place as they normally would in person. But the learning and experimenting doesn't have to stop! Now, students can participate in a week's worth of experiments from home.
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